Improve Motor Skills and Reduce Falls
The vestibule (inner ear) informs the brain of body movements
It acts as an active relay of sensory information, and with other body parts it directly influences all muscle movements like laterality, muscle tone and posture. Every muscle in our body, large or small, is under the control and influence of our vestibular system.
Dyspraxia is a condition that impacts the early development of motor skills, and manifests in delayed language development, poor articulation, and poor listening skills.
Adults require good motor skills to maintain balance and movement co-ordination as they age to reduce their falls risk and potential hip fractures.
Motor skills help children explore their world and stimulate cognitive development, body movements, balance and handwriting.
Common Signs of Difficulties
- delay in proper development
- poor posture and balance, seated or standing
- slouches or holds their head with their hand when seated
- dizziness with certain movements
- balance problems or clumsiness
- nausea and travel-sickness
- poor eye-hand co-ordination
- bumps into others or falls out of chair
- high levels of motor activity
- feet swinging and tapping when seated, hand-clapping or twisting
- unable to stay still
- untidy handwriting, poor and uneven letter formation, inability to copy correctly from the board
- loses place when reading
- skips math problems on a page
- difficulty organising a desk or binder

Role of the Ear and Vestibular System
The Tomatis® Method stimulates the vestibular centre through air and bone conduction, providing energy to the brain. Through deep and rhythmic sounds, the Tomatis® Method acts directly on the vestibule, resulting in a positive effect on motor function, regulation of muscle tone and posture. Motor responses become noticeably less uncoordinated, more fluid and better organized. This is why the Tomatis® Method has proven to have beneficial effects on motor disorders.
The vestibule plays a fundamental role in integrating the rhythms of both music and language due to its intricate network of connections to the brain via nine cranial nerves. In addition, with a natural intervention on auditory laterality, the Tomatis® Method will improve Right-ear dominance, thereby improving auditory processing speed.
The KingsFisher Institute, its programmes and protocols along with the TOMATIS® Method, are Educational Programmes and are considered neither medical treatments, nor a means to establish a medical diagnosis. The content of this website is for informational purposes only. It should be neither considered as, nor substitute for medical advice. We neither suggest stopping any medication or psychological treatments. The KingsFisher Institute is duly licensed by TOMATIS DEVELOPMENT S.A. which is the owner of “TOMATIS”, “TOMATIS +LOGO”, “SOLISTEN”, “TalksUP” trademarks
How We Can Help
KingsFisher unique assessment methods reveal the underlying, often undetected difficulties that hamper and delay development and progress:
- Our Cognitive Skills Assessment reveals the underpinning cognitive skills related to poor academic performance
- With our Tomatis® Listening Profile we can determine how efficient the relationship between the ears and brain is for information processing
- Using our Visagraph™, we can track and monitor eye movements indicating how orderly the brain deals with information, how it is fed into short-term memory and the ability to retrieve information. “There exists a functional relationship between ocular movements and central processes” as reported by Herman F. Brandt in The Psychology of Seeing
- Our Mineral Therapy Assessment reveals which minerals are lacking for optimal performance
Based on our findings, our intervention programmes and protocols are tailor-made for each individual
Ready to Get Started?
Get the help you need from Yolinda Bullians and our friendly team at the KingsFisher Institute.